Remember the milk

Also sick and tired of sticky notes, missing to-do lists, small notes in your wallet….

Never forgot tasks, by using Remember the milk. You can keep separate lists, for example a list for each project you are involved in, or one for work, one for  private, one wish list, etc. Tasks can be recurring, making it possible to get a weekly reminder to send out a status report, or regular back-up of your laptop.

You can just open the site, with a real nice and clean interface, to view your tasks, but you can also receive notifications via skype, msn or in your google calendar. It’s also possible to share tasks (didn’t try that yet).

All tasks are tagged, dated and catogised in a list. So you can see a tagcloud for your tasks 🙂

I really love this tool. I have one list for all work related tasks, I tag them with the project. I have a list with personal tasks, groceries, wish list and tasks for Scouting.

The mobile interface is clean and easy to use. Which is really useful because if you think… hmmm I should also do something about blabla… you can put it in your tasks right away, instead of forgetting all about it and remembering again when it’s too late.

If you ask me this is a typical Enterprise 2.0 tool. Try it!!

5 Responses

  1. 🙂
    Bas also uses this tool extensively. He has introduced me to it.
    I’m not using it very much since I work a lot with MS Outlook and to keep all things in one place I use Tasks module there, but still, in Remember The Milk there is one very cool feature that I will never forget: it is able to read. Literally. Text as the image. It reads it and indexes 🙂

  2. I’ll try this out for sure!! Maybe we should integrate it into portlets 🙂

  3. Hmm, it gave me a warning for Firebug. And some options appear to have some bugs for my browser. For instance the datepicker won’t show 😦

  4. Well…. as all these tools… it’s a beta.

  5. Cool, I’ve heard about this tool few months ago from Epam US colleague. And now read the same in Tom’s blog!

    How small is the IT world in the end 🙂

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